Wise Lending Hack Analysis

Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2024



On January 12, 2024, Wise Lending suffered an attack due to a precision loss vulnerability, leading to an approximate loss of over 464K USD.

Smart Contract Hack Overview:

Fig: Attack Transaction

Decoding the Smart Contract Vulnerability:

  1. Despite Wise Lending having defenses against donation attacks, the attacker found ways to either bypass or manipulate these safeguards.
  2. The attacker targeted the Wise PLP Pool specifically for Pendle LP tokens, employing tactics to surpass donation amount limits and taking advantage of a larger percentage of donations.
  3. The attacker initiated the attack by depositing a tiny amount and then making donations below the set limit, exploiting the system with a significantly larger percentage of donations.
  4. A rounding issue is exploited by the attacker through the ‘_calculateShares’ function.
  5. The attacker deliberately incurred losses through strategic deposits and withdrawals, employing a “stealth donation” approach to exploit rounding errors to the fullest extent.
Fig: The root cause of the vulnerability

Mitigation and Best Practices:

  • Multiplication should always be performed before division to avoid loss of precision.
  • The calculated result for division and multiplication can be stored in an integer with more bits, but the operands must also be integers of the same size.
  • The operands for the exponentiation function must be unsigned integers. Unsigned Integers with lower bits can be calculated and stored as unsigned integers with higher bits.
  • To apply an arithmetic operation to all of the operands, they must all have the same data type; otherwise, the operation will not be performed.
  • Always validate your code by writing comprehensive test cases that cover all the possible business logic.
  • To prevent such vulnerabilities, the best Smart Contract auditors must examine the Smart Contracts for logical issues. We at CredShields provide smart contract security and end-to-end security of web applications and externally exposed networks. Schedule a call at https://credshields.com/
  • Scan your Solidity contracts against the latest common security vulnerabilities with 130+ detections at SolidityScan
Fig: SolidityScan — Smart Contract Vulnerability Scanner


SolidityScan is an advanced smart contract scanning tool that discovers vulnerabilities and reduces risks in code. Request a security audit with us, and we will help you secure your smart contracts. Signup for a free trial at https://solidityscan.com/signup

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