JAY Token Exploit — Reentrancy Attack

Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2023



A tax-loss harvesting app for NFTs called Jaypeggers was breached on December 29, 2022, and the attacker stole about 15.32 ether, or about $18.5k. The price of the JAY token was effectively manipulated using a contract-level reentrancy attack. This vulnerability could have been found if SolidityScan had been used to scan the contract.

SolidityScan detection of Re-entrancy vulnerability in Jay Contract

Smart contract hack overview:

The flow of money from the attacker

Decoding the smart contract vulnerability

  • The buyJay() method in the JAY contract supported any ERC-721 token as a parameter.

JAY Token price = Total Ether balance in JAY contract / Total Supply of JAY token

  • The attacker used the buyJay() method, submitted a fraudulent ERC-721 token, and purchased the corresponding JAY token.
  • The attacker specifically borrowed 72.5 ETH for a flash loan and then spent 22 ETH to purchase the JAY token. The buyJay function was called with another 50.5 ETH with the fake ERC-721 token.
  • During the transfer, the attacker executed and reentered the JAY contract by invoking the sell function on the fake ERC-721 token and sold all JAY tokens. The JAY token price got manipulated since the Ether balance was raised before the buyJay function was initiated.
  • With a profit of 15.32 Ether, the attacker carried out the method twice in a single transaction. Tornado Cash was used to launder the attacker’s funds.

Mitigation and best practices:

  • Always verify user inputs such as token addresses, amounts, and IDs to prevent manipulation and exploitation to steal users’ funds.
  • Use function modifiers that prevent reentrancy, such as Open Zepplin’s Re-entry Guard.
  • Always ensure that any state changes, such as updating balances or calling internal functions before executing external code, take place internally first. Follow the checks-effects-interactions pattern.
  • To prevent such vulnerabilities, the best Smart Contract auditors must examine the Smart Contracts for logical issues. We at CredShields provide smart contract security and end-to-end security of web applications and externally exposed networks. Schedule a call at https://credshields.com/
  • Scan your contract against the latest common security vulnerabilities with 130+ patterns at SolidityScan, which includes the detection of Re-entrancy vulnerabilities.
SolidityScan — Smart Contract Vulnerability Scanner


SolidityScan is an advanced smart-contract scanning tool that discovers vulnerabilities and reduces risks in code. Request a security audit with us, and we will help you secure your smart contracts. Signup for a free trial at https://solidityscan.com/signup

